10 Easy Online Jobs You Can Make Money With! – Your Money Geek - The Oblivion Factor


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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

10 Easy Online Jobs You Can Make Money With! – Your Money Geek

Looking for easy online jobs to make some fast cash??? Then read on, we geek this!!!

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of easy is as follows: achieved without great effort, presenting a few difficulties.

Combined with the word job, usually easy and job don’t go together, simply because a job often entails long hours at a pay rate lower than we would prefer. However, that all changed when Al Gore created the internet.

All jokes aside, the growth of the internet has not only allowed humans to connect all over the world and video chat with their friends regardless of location, but the internet has also provided millions with opportunities to make money online.

And finally, the internet has allowed us to use the word easy when describing our jobs, thanks to easy online jobs that now exist! Today we will list some of the easiest online gigs for you to pursue!

Table of Contents

10 Easy Online Jobs to Start Today

1. Freelance Writing

Pay: $50 per article and up!

Back in 2017, I started my first blog, and this when my writing career really took off (sort of). I was writing 3,000-4,000 words per week, but I had no clue what I was doing.

I share this with you because starting a blog is often viewed as an easy way to make money; truthfully, blogging is a grind you have to be willing to endure. However, there is a way to make money writing articles when you do it as a freelance writer.

Whether you write for bloggers or large publications, freelance writing is a great way to make money online that grants you flexibility and control. Between SEO writing (#3) and freelance writing, my slow start to blogging ultimately equipped me with the ability to make an extra $1,500 per month of freelance writing.

>> Read about 9 other Freelance Jobs here. 

2. Graphic Design

Pay: $45,000 Per Year Median (link) or $25-$200 per hour

With businesses transitioning online (some for good), graphic design experts are in extreme demand. Companies want to stand out online, and they do this with great social media images, appealing graphics, and marketing assets.

While you don’t have to be an art master, most of the time, people want to see a quality portfolio or someone with a degree in graphic design. First, start by putting together a portfolio of some of your work!

Some companies will hire in house graphic design experts or subcontract work to freelance graphic design artists. Depending on what you’re looking for, you can go either route:

  • Freelance: Consider listing your services on the likes of Fivver or Upwork to land your first clients if you want to do it freelance. Tap into your power base and tell friends on social media that you are doing graphic design work on the side.
  • Online Job: Checkout Indeed, LinkedIn, and websites like Glassdoor to look for full or part-time graphic design positions. Make sure the position is remote so that you land an online job!

3. Digital Marketing

Pay: Varies per client & offered service

When you think digital, think “Computers & Online,” and when you think marketing – well, you think helping businesses grow their brand/influence/reputation. Going back to your vocabulary lesson from earlier in this article, digital marketing refers to any online marketing, which can include:

  • Social media management & marketing
  • Content marketing & writing
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Website design & maintenance
  • Any other tasks related to online marketing (graphics, videos, etc.)

Since digital marketing is online, it happens to be a great job choice for those who have expertise in any of the above. Companies hire full-time employees to manage their social media accounts or for website design and content marketing.

Many companies are starting to hire video production companies as video marketing grows each year.

Personally, I started my freelance digital marketing company back in 2018 and tried to do all of the above. Since then, I have focused on building new websites and helping grow the website via content marketing (blog posts). It has allowed me to consistently make $800 to $3,000 per month outside of my career. 

You can take a digital marketing course to do it on the side, or apply for a full-time job too!

4. Manage Social Media Ads

Pay: $1,000 per month per client & up

Social media advertisements are different than managing social media accounts, way different.

For starters, managing social media ads is a more technical niche that requires some background knowledge. You can find courses online that teach you how to run Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, or Google Ads – but either way, navigating these platforms isn’t as easy as posting a photo on Instagram.

That is where you come in. If you happen to have experience using the Facebook Business platform or Google Ads, you can charge a premium price for companies to use your ad services. Typically, this means creating the ad, managing the ad, and monitoring campaign performance, all of which fall under the umbrella of lead generation.

Knowing how to design landing pages and being able to troubleshoot ads is a must. However, once you get your feet wet, managing ads can become a straightforward process. Look online at Udemy for courses in managing ads and go from there if you’re new and want to learn!

5. Virtual Assistant Work

Pay: $20-$150 per hour

A virtual assistant is like an executive assistant you see in the movies, just someone who does it from home!

From our article detailing stay at home jobs, we shared that VAs typically do work that is time-consuming for their boss. Everyday tasks like social media management, administrative duties such as scheduling, email management, and more are typically within the normal scope.

The higher-paid VAs can code, complete web development, graphic design, and more in their service offerings. Pay rates vary depending on expertise, and hours can vary as well.

However, a productive and skilled virtual assistant can easily find themselves working 20, 30, or even 40 hours per week depending on the amount of time they want to dedicate while commanding $20 per hour or more!

6. Online Personal Trainer

Pay: $25-$50 per hour/session

Why would anyone ever want an online personal trainer? Wouldn’t they go to the gym for that?

If you’re like me and find yourself asking the question above quite often, don’t worry, I feel you. However, due to the pandemic and for the simple fact that time is of the essence, more people are doing their workouts at home…

And because more adults are working out at home, what they’re finding out is they need someone to help them with staying accountable. That is where you come in if you’re a trainer!

With the help of Zoom or some other video communication platform, you can host group training sessions or even 1 on 1 personal training sessions at $25 per session and up! While landing clients, staying up to date with your certifications, and knowing how to get results is key to being a good trainer; if you’re someone who wants to train from home, consider online personal training!

7. Tutor Kids Online

Pay $15-$50 per hour

Parents in China want their kids to learn English, and parents here in the states want their kids to get good grades. Either way, this is an opportunity for you to have an online job if you like teaching kids!

Online tutoring is a trendy way for stay at home moms to make money from home, college students to earn some extra cash, or for those who love kids to give back while simultaneously making some money!

With online tutoring platforms like Chegg, Wyzant, and VIPKID, getting paid $15 per hour and teaching English online is a prevalent and easy online job. While there are onboarding requirements and some parents, request specific tutors, if you have a background in a niche like English or math, you might make a great online teacher/tutor!

>> Learn more about online tutoring gigs here. 

8. Fill Out Surveys

Pay: $5-$25 per hour

Perhaps the simplest, easy job on the list – filling out surveys – is a legit way to make money online. Countless online survey platforms incentivize users to complete surveys for product research.

Most offer a one-time signup bonus in addition to paying anywhere from $1 to $5 per survey (or more). While you can’t always control what survey you’re selected for or granted permission to complete, you can make money on your phone if you have an hour here and there.

Start by visiting a few of the more popular online survey platforms below:

Next, input your basic contact information, then start completing surveys! You will get points of some form, which can be cashed out for real money paid with PayPal, or you can get paid in gift cards.

Either way, while this might not be viewed as a traditional job per se, you can tell your friends you have an illustrious career as a “Market Researcher.”

>> 12 of the Best Online Survey Sites

9. Sell Things Online

Pay: Varies from a few dollars to $100s per day

When you work for someone else, they control what you make and how much. On the other hand, when you work for yourself, you assume more risk, but you also have more control to increase your earnings!

One easy job (mentally) to do online is becoming an online seller.

Whether you flip couches, make crafts, or want to get rid of some old clothes – selling things is still one of the best ways to make money no matter the times. From used wedding decorations to your old furniture, you can make money selling things online.

Online Selling Platforms:

  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Offerup App
  • List things on CraigsList
  • eBay
  • Etsy
  • Poshmark

As you get better at selling, a full-time job selling is possible. My wife’s aunt started making baby clothes and selling them to photographers, and she now runs an entire business selling baby photography props and clothes online!

10. Data Entry

Pay $10-$20 per hour

Don’t confuse easy with fun; they are different terms… but perhaps one of the easiest online jobs is a data entry job.

Though not glamorous, data entry jobs are simple enough and can be done from the comforts of your own home. Data entry jobs typically entail the following:

  • Attention to detail
  • Organization
  • A solid foundation of computer knowledge
  • Ability to meet strict timelines & deadlines

So if you want to avoid cold car rides, traffic, and long hours, consider checking out online data entry jobs so you can make money from home!

>> See our complete list of Data Entry Jobs here. 

Getting Started with Easy Online Jobs

Work from home (WFH), stay at home jobs, online jobs – whatever you want to call them – there are real ways to earn money online these days.

When many companies sent their employees home in March of 2020 because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the world changed. People and companies realized that many of the traditional 9-5 norms that have been widely accepted for years were outdated.

A laptop, a strong WiFi connection, and a video communication platform were all needed to do their job. So while there are plenty of ways to do your normal 9-5 work from home, hopefully, the list above helped you identify some easier alternatives.

Whether you’re looking for flexibility, something simple, or just a side hustle to make more money, consider picking one or two from the list above and getting your hands dirty… or maybe we should say getting your fingers tired from typing!

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