How to Work Remotely – The Good Men Project - The Oblivion Factor


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Sunday, November 15, 2020

How to Work Remotely – The Good Men Project

Because of the pandemic, many parts of our life are accelerated, with one example being remote work. With technology becomes faster and more affordable, it has increased in number. However, socially distant working skyrocket thanks to the pandemic.

Working from home has its pros. You may find yourself being more productive and happier with your job than you were before. Some remote jobs have a flexible schedule, allowing you to go to bed whenever you want.

However, working from home is difficult. In this guide, we’ll give you some steps.

See if Your Current Job Offers It

If you’re working in an office job, there may be an option to work remotely. If not, suggesting it and bringing up its benefits may help to make your case. Sometimes, you could get lucky. However, if you don’t have a job or your boss is old-fashioned, that can be an issue. Some bosses just won’t do it, even if it can save them money and increase employee morale for most people who work from home.

Make Sure You Have And Understand the Tech Needed to Work From Home

Working from home requires different technologies depending on the job. A mid-range computer and a decent Internet connection may work well for some jobs. However, you may need something better as well. You may need to upgrade your connection or computer. You may have to learn how to use essential programs. This is not just good for learning how to work, but it also looks good on a resume.

Do some research on your ideal job and try to learn the tech needed. Learning is free thanks to the Internet, with plenty of decent tutorials available if you need it.

What Job Works Well for You, Anyway?

If you are unsure what job you want to do, you should figure that out. Different remote jobs are not created equally. Do you want a full-time commitment or freelance for several clients? Full-time jobs give you stability and ways to go. However, contract-based work or freelancing can give you the freedom and allow you to be flexible.

You should also think about what time you want to work. Remote working does offer some flexibility, especially contract-based work. Do you want to be a night owl, an early bird, or something in-between?

Also, what do you want to do? Writing, data entry, art, programming, or anything else that involves a computer? Having a good idea of what job you want can help you make a better decision.

Follow Certain Accounts

Following websites and accounts dedicated to remote work can help you find the right job for you. For example, if you waste a lot of time on Facebook, you may find out that there are plenty of groups dedicated to remote jobs. It’s much easier to reach out to a company. Twitter is good as well.

There are also websites such as Upwork that allow you to find clients who need work. However, this may be good if you’re looking for contract-based work.

Try Networking

Reach out to people who can connect you to a job. In the pandemic, it’s much more difficult to go to a convention, and that defeats the purpose of remote work, anyway. One idea is to reach out to people on LinkedIn or attend digital conventions to try to connect to people who may have the right jobs for you.

Career Counseling

If you are still having trouble, one way you can get some help is to speak to a career counselor. This is great if you are still unsure of what job you want or how to get it. You may also not know how to make a proper resume or how to speak to the right people.

That’s okay. Getting jobs can be a challenge. Counselors offer plenty of life advice, from how to fall in love to how to break up with a toxic person. It makes sense that many of them also offer plenty of good advice on the right career for you, too.

A career counselor can offer you the resources and confidence needed to find the right job for you. Obviously, they can’t hand a job over to you. You do have to do some work yourself. However, they are able to help you get the resources and confidence you need to find remote work.


Finding remote work is similar to finding in-person work. You need to figure out what you want to apply for and the right jobs. It may require some networking too. Online counseling resources can help you find a job during a pandemic, and help you learn how to accomplish other feats in life. For more how-tos, you can click this link and read all about them:

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